Michigan School of Professional Psychology Commencement Recognizes Outstanding Graduates

Congratulations to the recent graduates of Michigan School of Professional Psychology!  The commencement exercise was held at Groves High School and recognized fifty Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology and thirteen Doctorates. The new president, Dr. Diane Blau, presided over the evening which included the recognition of Susan Gross for the award of the Marjorie Scott Scholarship for Excellence.  Also recognized was Dr. Don McMillan, who received the Outstanding Alumni Service Award.  We’ve had the privilege of playing for MiSPP’s Commencements for several years now and it is always a pleasure.  In addition to the expected “Pomp and Circumstance” we also played a variety of contemporary and classical pieces.  We extend our appreciation to Diane Zalapi and Heather Rigby for their assistance during the evening and their invitation to be a part of this special evening.


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